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Customer Service Help?

I ordered a couple things from the shop and they are incorrect. Who can I contact to get it resolved? Thanks!

Dec 13, 2024

Hi! You can send an email to :)

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HI every1!! I'm Cr@zyCat (Or Izzy) and I jst found out abt this fan centre (I'm canadian, so it's Center with an re)...hope 2 see u guys soon!!!!!11

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Sorry that you can’t understand anything :(

I live at a Main Street and everyone is driving home from work

But I was talking about how I like to watch the stars before I go to sleep,

(At least the ones I can see)

And I notice every day that some of them flicker while others are completely still.

The star I showed flickers sort of red, blue and then back to white.

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24 hours into the TAROT era... what are our thoughts? Do we have favorites? What's your top-streamed track?

Nov 13, 2024

Signs, Devil, My Name, Sister On Fire, Can I Do Your Chart, Written In The Cards, Power Couple- All tarot upright and tarot reversed 👌🤌❤️🔥

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Were you wondering how we were going to fill the hours and hours of the TE/MO Live Event on October 30th with only 2 EP's out? Well, wonder no longer...

Because TE/MO's 2 new EP's - TAROT, UPRIGHT and TAROT, REVERSED - will be released on October 10th... well in advance of the event.

Surprise. Happy spooky season, oddities. 💫

Sep 30, 2024

I can't wait!! You are so incredible!!

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Hey Oddities and Curiosities... per usual, you asked, and we answered. The TE/MO-Teagan Earley Patreon page is now live. Check it out at the link below to see what we may be brewing...

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You asked, we delivered...

Join the TE/MO Discord now.

Amy Bruederle
Amy Bruederle
Nov 05, 2024

The link isn't working

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I’ve been listening to the Devil nonstop it’s so catchy! I was curious, are you also doing the vocals for the section “founding fathers flounder at their crumbling institution” or is that someone else? Loving the song, can’t wait for more!! We’re gonna get to 10k!!😈

Nov 05, 2024

That was all TE/MO 😈

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Hey Oddities and Curiosities... we want to hear from you!

Send us a letter at our new PO Box, and you won't be sorry...


2522 W. Lawrence Ave

PO Box #25027

Chicago, IL 60625

Aug 15, 2024

👀 yay the PO Box is up!!

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