In tarot, interpretation is king. the universe sends you a message by presenting you with a plethora of images. but what you glean from that message, or what you do with those images, is up to you. because of this, a card being “upright” or “reversed” is rarely as simple as the message being “good” or “bad”. more often, it simply is - a wholistic and unapologetic analysis of the questions we all grapple with, and the complexities that dwell in the hearts of every one of us. and from that augury - that inevitable gray area - we must forge the path we take forward.
this is the journey I was on when I wrote most of the TAROT EPs. it is one of magic, love, whimsy, discovery, triumph, and self-possession… but it is also one of fear, doubt, rage, envy, betrayal, and humbling. it is a path of creation, but also one of devastation. but just like the dual meanings of the arcana… can one even exist without the other? these are the queries I pondered over the course of this body of work, and this is now the quest I bestow on each of you. ✨
so grab your cards, cauldrons, and candles… cuz it’s time to crank the TAROT's, coven.
Love & Magic,